Working on new projects. Lavender Lune yarn knits up so pretty! I love the colors 🥰
Lavender Lune yarn from Pine River, Minnesota – see
@lavenderluneyarn #lavenderluneyarnco #ascaniusknitting #harrietandalice
I love my local yarn store, "Harriet and Alice"❤️ Malabrigo yarn comes in the most beautiful colors, MadelineTosh, and Bluesky fibers - Woolstok Light is a must-have! Yesterday, I also fell in love with the pretty yarn from Lavender Lune yarn🥰 Can't wait to start new projects 🤗
@harrietandalice #harrietandalice #malabrigoyarn #blueskyfibers #blueskyfiberswoolstoklight #madelinetoshyarn #ascaniusknitting #lavenderluneyarnco #lavenderluneyarn